Big news – we’ve started a new podcast! Today’s episode is an interview with the king of bread Richard Bertinet.
I’ve been a long term fan of his and his philosophy of making simple daily bread, rather than the mass produced rubbish in the supermarkets. I’ve also had the pleasure of attending one of his courses at The Bertinet Kitchen Cookery School in Bath which improved my bread making skills no end!
His courses aren’t just limited to bread. There’s courses on patisserie, kitchen skills and lots more besides. There are also occasional classes from guest chefs like Valentina Harris and Tim Anderson.
One I’ve got my eye on is “Perfectly Proper Pies.” The Italians do many things well, but pies are not one of them. Every so often I get a longing for a good pork pie. I’ve made my own mini ones. However, I’m sure, like my bread making, there’s room for improvement!
He also prefers rugby to football, just like me. He regularly attends home games at the Rec in Bath near the cooking school.
The podcast is available on Spotify and Google, and will be on Apple Podcasts very shortly. You can also keep an eye out for future episodes by subscribing to it using the images on the right, or by clicking the podcast tab in the menu at the top of the page.
Richard Bertinet is a really funny down to earth guy, so have a listen to us chewing the fat about bread, rugby, and lots more besides!
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